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Compression Stockings

Central Park Chiropractic and Massage offers a wide variety of compression hosiery.

What does gradient compression hosiery/stockings do?

Medical gradient compression stockings improve venous and lymphatic blood flow. Sigvaris, THERAFIRM®, JEBA, and EASE stockings are designed to deliver a controlled amount of pressure which is greatest at the ankle of the garment and gradually decrease towards the top of the stocking. This gradient pressure promotes better venous blood flow which in turn helps to control swelling, varicosities, leg fatigue and other problematic leg conditions.

By compressing the limb with graduated compression – strongest at the ankle and decreasing going up the leg – the compression stocking helps the venous return, decreases venous pressure, prevents venous stasis, reduces edema, deterioration of venous walls, and efficiently relieves aching and heavy legs by aiding the body in moving blood up the leg against the pull of gravity.

This treatment is prescribed by a clinician to treat lymphoedema, phlebitis, thrombosis and aftercare following surgery, sclerotherapy and any other forms of varicose vein treatment, and also to relieve all conditions of chronic venous disease (heavy legs, varicose veins, oedema’s and leg ulcers)

It can also be prescribed to prevent venous issues during pregnancy and long distance travel. If no  contraindications like severe arterial insufficiency are present, you may even buy compression stockings of lower pressure without prescription.

Who should wear gradient compression hosiery/stockings?

People who have or are experiencing any of the following conditions can benefit from wearing gradient compression hosiery:


• Tired, aching, fatigued legs
• Swollen feet, ankles, and legs
• People who stand or sit for long periods
• Chronic venous insufficiency
• Moderate to severe varicose veins
• Expectant mothers
• Schlerotherapy
• Lymphedema
• Overweight
• Family history of venous leg disorders

Additionally, many individuals without the preceding conditions simply appreciate wearing our gradient compression hosiery. Most people love the way they make their legs feel. Always consult with your doctor/chiropractor before wearing compression stockings.


For a full view of all the compression stockings we offer please click here or see some options below.




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Central Park Chiropractic & Massage
3977 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 1Y7. Ph: 604‑439‑1230