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Posted by on May 19, 2016 in Massage Therapy | 0 comments

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage is designed for women who are pregnant, and they can receive this massage at any point in their pregnancy. Our four pregnancy massage therapists have had specific training in this field. The client receives the session in a side-lying position with pillows and bolsters provided for support and maximum comfort. The treatment consists of specific features of tissue sculpting, Swedish massage, joint mobilization, foot zone therapy, and connective tissue work to alleviate many of the physiological, musculo-skeletal, and emotional stresses that can accompany pregnancy.

Massage during pregnancy increases blood and lymph circulation, thereby relieving swelling in the legs as well as hands. It alleviates strain on weight-bearing joints and myofascial structures to provide relief from muscle spasms and cramps. It can also relieve pain from varicosities. This treatment provides general stress reduction, allowing women to approach labor with more confidence and less anxiety.

Come see us if you are experiencing:

  • Low back pain
  • Nausea
  • Hip pain
  • Tension
  • Stress
  • Cramping
  • Bloating
  • Swollen ankles

Or any other reason you can think of….:)

In addition, we are pleased to offer you delivery preparation massage – for when the time is right but your body hasn’t caught up yet. Many women have found their babies are delivered within 48 hours of receiving an delivery preparation massage.

And don’t forget that baby can benefit from massage after they are born! If they are restless or colicky massage can quickly calm them down. It is simple to do and our therapists will be happy to show you some easy techniques you can perform at home.

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